In a few words
Our sustainable commitments
Because we are fully aware (and concerned) about the current challenges of protecting our planet and climate change, we are taking steps to minimise our impact on the climate as much as possible.
Our responsible commitments are based on 3 pillars.

Our products are made with FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified paper.
That means that it comes from responsibly managed forests, i.e. without deforestation (so that there is no net loss of forest over time), respecting and protecting plant and animal species, but also local populations, all under safe and ethical working conditions.

We produce all our products in the European Union with energy produced from renewable resources.
We know that, despite our best efforts, all industrial activity produces emissions: that's why we choose partners who can trace and compensate our carbon emissions.
Our first notebook is therefore CO2 neutral.
What does that mean in practice? ↓

We are also working on reducing the use of plastic in the transport of our goods as much as possible. This means that pallets are no longer wrapped in plastic, but in cardboard, for example.
We also produce in the European Union to avoid all unnecessary plane transportation. Our goods are transported by road.
Likewise, wherever possible, parcels are sent to customers using eco-responsible solutions (DHL).

What does CO2 neutral means?
Carbon neutral means that the carbon footprint of a product has been calculated according to the ClimatePartner Protocol, and a certified climate project has been financed for the resulting amount.

Offset project #1
Access to Clean drinking water
We are proud to be involved in the Clean drinking water project to help identify and repair broken boreholes in the Zoba Maekel district in the central region of Eritrea.
For many rural communities, the struggle to find safe drinking water can take a major part of a family‘s resources. Usually, the burden falls on women and children to collect water, walking a great distance from home. Water drawn from pools or rivers is often contaminated with potentially lethal bacteria. Thus, to make water safe to drink it needs to be boiled.

Being part of this world
Because the world is also made up of people, we are also socially committed to causes close to our hearts, such as education and human rights.
For each journal bought, we donate 1€ to one organization.