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For every Tomorrow starts today journal sold, we donate 1€ to the Toni Garrn Foundation, which supports girls' education initiatives in Sub-Saharan Africa.
For us, advocating for the education of young girls is a fundamental commitment. How can we champion the freedom for everyone to live the life of their dreams if some are denied education from an early age?

Their mission
The Toni Garrn Foundation was founded in 2016 to support girls' education initiatives in Sub-Saharan-Africa. They are currently active in four African countries: Burundi, Ghana, Rwanda, and Uganda.
Many girls in Sub-Saharan-Africa do not have the same access to education as girls in most parts of the global north. Mainly because of mismanaged governments, still existing unfair, postcolonial contracts that lead a large part of their population into poverty.

Toni's vision
Patriarchal structures all over the world result in an unequal access to education whereby women often are chosen to stay at home to take care of household and the family. Inadequate infrastructure furthermore lead to long distances to school which is dangerous especially for girls. That's how gender disparity already starts at a young age and will continue throughout their lives.
Our shared vision is to provide the girls with a safe space to learn and grow, as equals and ultimately to make their own educated decisions in life. The best way to support self-sustaining life is through education.
Their actions
Increasing the skill and knowledge level of girls and women is the foundation's goal, therefore they are supporting schools as well as vocational training centers.
Ultimately, the goal is to enable the students and trainees to lead a self-determined life.
Boarding facilities are an integral part of Toni Garrn's holistic concept.
Boarding houses minimize the often times dangerous and long walks to the school, guarantee a safe place to sleep, learn and provide 3 warm and nourishing meals a day.
Access to health care, especially in rural areas is often times scarce.
If the compound allows for it, having a health center is a vital addition to the school and the surrounding community to receive adequate treatment and consultation.
Schools provide safe havens for girls, where they serve as a community and port for advice and counselling.
At school, the girls have access to mentors and a network of teachers and social workers to ensure their physical and mental wellbeing.